In the name of God, Amen. The xxiij day of Aprill, in the yere of our Lord God, 1549, I, Parcevall Lyndley, of the towne of Leighley, gentleman, beyng of hoole mynde towardes Almyghtie God and perfecte remembrance, do ordeyne this my laste will. Furst I committe my saull to the blissed Trinitie, with all the celestiall company of heven, and my bodie to be beried within my parishe churche of Leithley, in the south side there nyeghe unto my wif. Also I gif to the parsone of Leithley, my curate, to pray for me, vjs. viijd.; to my parishe churche, for my beriall and to be praid fore, iii s. iiijd. Also I bequeath to Rauf Dicconson, my kynsman, on coite at the discretion of my son Sir Edward and my cousing Laurentie Lyndley, and the residue of my rayment to be divided among poore folkes at there too discretions. Also I bequeath to my said son Sir Edwarde Lyndley on silver spoyne, and to Laurentie Lyndley on silver spoyne, and to John Lyndley on silver spone, and thies spoynes to be delyvered by my said son Sir Edward and my cousyng Laurentie. Also I gif to everye on of my sones childer and my doughtours childer xvjd., excepte thos that shall have silver spoynes. Also I bequeath to Rauf Colton ij shepe; to Agnes Brown on cowe and foure shepe; to the poore folkes in Leithlev xxs. to be praid for, and to be divided to them by my said son Sir Edward and my cousyng Laurentie with the advise of my curate where they thinke the moste nede. Also I bequeath to the amenddyng of the highe wayes aboute the towne of Leitheley iijs. iiijd.; to the churche of Lathley my best coverlett to do servicie there to the honor of God, if it may be so permitted and allowed, and els the said coverlett to be sold and the price therof to be yeven to the churche use and profitte. Also I bequeath to every on of my god childer iiij d. Also I gif to my doughtor Gracie Angrome ij gymmer shepe; to my servauntes Xpofer Hodgeson and Agnes Dibbe, to either of them a yowe and a lame. Also I gif towardes the making of on wynddo in the churche, for light for divine servicie to be had in the said churche, vs.; to my son Sir Edward iiij li., to be takyn of my goodes, and to my said cousyng Laurentie xl s. and on balde stag, for ther paynes about this my will, and they to pay my dettes and legacies of my hoole goodes, with all funerall chardges, and the residue, after all doyne afore mentioned, to be destributed emongest my poore kynsfolkes and other poore people at the discretion of my said son and my cousyng, whome I make my executours. Thes wittenes, Henrie Johnson, esquyer, Miles Walker, parson of Leighley, William Grene, William Fenteman, Roberte Moyses and Richard Jenkynson.
[Proved 2 Oct., 1550.]