WILL OF JOHN LINDLEY OF LEATHLEY 1614 Please note that the spellings, are as they appear in the Will Will Proved 30th June 1614 In the name of God Amen the last daie of May and in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundreth and Sixteene, I John Lindley of Leathley in the dioces and countie of Yorke Esquire sicke in bodie yet in good and perfect rememberance thanks be to God almightie and knowinge the uncertaintie of this transistorie life, do make and ordaine this my last will and testament And doe with a free harte and willinglye render and give by and into the hands of my Lord God and creator my sperit which he of his fatherlie goodness gave unto me when he first formed me a livinge and reasonable creature, nothinge doubtinge but that for his infinite meritts and mercies sett for the in the precious bloud of his dearlie beloved sonne Jesus Christ our onelie Saviour and redeemer, he will have mercie upon me and foregive me all my sins and receyve my soule into his glorie and place it with his heavenlie Angells and blessed sainte in his celestial Kingdome And as concerninge my bodie, even with a free harte and a good will, I give it over desiringe to be dissolved and to be with my savior Jesus Christ when his good pleasure is comenddinge it to the earth whereof it came nothinge doubtinge also but that accordinge to the article of my father at the great day and generall resurecion when we shall al appear before the Judgment saete of Christe shall receyve the same againe by the almightie power of God wherewith he is able ti subdue all things to himselfe, not a corruptible vile and weake bodie as it is now but an incorruptible stronge imortall and perfect bodie in all points like unto the glorious bodie of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christe. And for those earthlie possessions and lands not before granted to my heyre apparent and temperall goods lease and chattels which the Lord in his goodness haithe lent me and bestowed on me, my will and minde is shallbe distributed as herafter followeth viz – First I give unto my sonne William Lyndley all my lease at Middleham within the saide countie of Yorke with al my title, interest, tearme of years,clayme and demand whatsoever I have or ought have of the same beinge houlden over Soveringe Lord the King’s Majestie for diverse years yet endorimge. Also my will and minde is and I give unto Sir Guie Palmes of Lindley in the countie aforesaid knight and Thomas Fawkes of Farnley in the countie afoesaid Esq, theire heyres and assignes for ever all that my parke called Woodall parke with all the rights members and appertenances thereunto belonginge situate lyinge and beinge within the Lordship of Middleham aforesaed within the Archdeaconrie of Richmond in the saied countie of Yorke to have to hould the said Parke with all the rights, members and appurtenings whatsoever thereunto belonginge unto the saied Sir Guie Palmes and Thomas Fawkes their heyres and assignes for ever as feoffies in trust and confidence, and to that end that they shall bargaine, sell assume, and convey the said parke for and towards the payment of my debts and legacies hereafter by me bequeathed. Also I give and bequeath unto the saied Guie Palmes and Thomas Fawkes theires and assignes for ever the advowson of the parsonages of Boynton with all my impropriations, rectories, tythes, messuages, lands, tenaments and hereditaments whatsoever with all their rights, members and appurtenings of what nature quanatie or kinds soever they be of which were mencianed and intended to be bargained and sould unto Walter Strickland esquire his heyres and assignes for ever. To that and yf the saied Walter Strickland doe satisfie and pay unto the saied feoffes or their heyres the summe of three hundred fourscore pounds or thereabouts yet behinde of the intended purchase of the saied parsonages, trythes, lands, tenaments and premises intended to bee sould to the saied Walter Strickland, that they the saied feoffes and their heyres should assume and convey all the saied parsonages, Rectories, imprcpriahions, lands, tenaments and premises with the appurtenances unto the saied Walter Strickland his heyres and assignes for ever and accordinge to the effecte of our paper books or draught thereof made whereby the said premises was intended to be conveyed to the saied Walter Strickland his heyres and assignes and the said some of three hundred forescore pounds or the residue of the money to be made and raysed of the sayle of the said lands and premises my will and minde is shall be imployed for and towards the payment of my debts and legacies as aforesaid. And the remainder of all the whole sumes to bee made and raised of the sayle of the said premises of the said Woodalle Parke, Parsonages, tythes, Rectories, imprcpriahions, lands, tenaments and premises after the saied debts, legacies bee payed, and the charges and expences of the saied feoffes and there heyers sustained aboute the sale of the premises my will and whole minde is shallbe payed to my executors hereafter named. And also give to my saied sonne William Lindley all my goods, household goods, stuffe and furniture within my castle of Middlham except the bed furniture, household goods, hangings and stuffe which is in my own bedchamber and one longe table carpet cloth in the surveyinge chamber the which I give whole to my daughter Margaret Levit to be delivered by my executors hereafter named and after the time of my death. Also I give to Thomas Lindley and his assignes for the terme of his life natural All that my mannor at Cockfielde als Cockfeelde with all the rights members and apputenances threrunto belonginge and the advowson of the Parsonage of Cockfield als Cockfeelde with the Rectories, glebeland, messuages, lands, tenaments, cole mynes and hereditaments whatsoever with all there appurtenances of what nature kinde or sorte soe ever they bee of situate lyinge and beinge in the parish of Cockfield aforesaide in the Bishoprick of Durham and which were latlie granted from our Soveraigne Lord the Kimgs majestie that nowe is by his highnes letters patents unto my brother Sir Henrie Lindley Knight deceased and John Starky gentleman and likewise granted and issued by the saied JohnStarky to me the saied John Lindley my heyres and assignes. Also I give and bequeath unto John Lindley my grandchilde and the sonne of the saied Thomas Lindley and to the heyres and assignes of the saied John Lindley my grandchilde and that the reversion of that the saied mannor of Cockfield als Cockfeeld with all the rights, members and appurtances thereunto belonginge and the reversion of the advowson of the parsonage of Cockfield als Cockfeeld, with the Rectories, glebeland, messuages, lands, tenaments and heredaments whatsoever with all and singular their appurtances in the parish of Cockfield als Cockfeeld aforesaide and thereunto belonginge of what nature Kinde, sorte or qualitie soever the same or anie of them are or bee of to have and to hould all that the saied mannor of Cockfield als Cockfeeld with all the rights, members and appurtances the advowson of the parsonage of Cockfield als Cockfeeld, with the Rectories, messuages, lands tenaments and hereditaments and all the other premises with all and singular and theire appurtenances ymediatlie from and after the death and decease of the saied Thomas Lindley unto the said John Lindley sonne of the said Thomas unto the heyres and assignes of the saied John Lindley sonne of the saied Thomas Lindley for ever and in as large ample manner and forme to all intents contentions and purposes as the saied Sir Henrie Lindley and JohnStarkey or eyther of them their heyres and assignes or anie of them might would or ought to have of right, use or enjoy the saied Mannor and all other the premises or anie parte or parsell thereof by force and virtue of the saied Letters Patents. Also I give unto the saied John Lindley sonne of the saied Thomas Lindley my grandchilde all the lease of all that messuages or tenement with the appurtaneces in Leathlie as aforesaide sometime or late in the occupasion of Edward Sadler or his assignes accordinge to one lease therof made by me the saied John Lindley unto my brother Francis Lindley gentleman and Jane his wyfe for the terme of one hundreth years if the saied Francis and Jane his wyfe so longe shall live, and after the decease of the saied Francis Lindley and Jane and the longer liver of them to the use of the saied John Lindley my grandchild his executors and assignes for and duringe soe manie years of the saied terme of one hundreth years as at the time of the death and decease of them and the longer liver of them should bee to come and expire as by the indenture of lease by me thereof made and executed bearinge date 20th daie of May in the eight yeare of the Kings most excellent Majestie that is, may more at large appeare all which title interest and tearme of years of my saied brother Francis and Jane his wyfe is suche assigned reassured and conveyed to me the saied John Lindley the which I give wholie and freely unto the saied John Lindley sonne of the saied Thomas Lindley together with the saied indenture and leases thereof made as aforesaide. Also my will and whole minde is that all such annuities and legacies as are coneyned in certaine articles made between the lady Jeremina Lindley late wyfe of Sir Henrie Lindley of the one partie and me the saied John Lindley of the other partie shallbee trulie and justlie payed from henceforth out of my leases of Woodruffe in the Countie of Kent unto the persons and legataries named in the saied articles and accordinge to such limitacions, purposes and provisos conteyned in the same, other than such as I have bought or hereafter shall happen to buy oute, the which legacies my will is as shallbee trulie and justlie payed accordinge to the effect of the saide articles by Arthure Lindley esquire my eldest sonne who me I wishe charge and command by the word of a father to pay the same justlie trulie and accordinglie. And I give unto my saied sonne Arthure all my lease, title, interest, tearme of years and clayme I have now in Woodruffe aforesaide except £30 pounds per annum or thereabouts yearely remayinge due to me of the overplus of the rent and profitts yearely ensuinge out of the saied leases on and besides the saied annuities and legacies and excepte all such leases and grants by me made of the saied premises in Woodruffe aforesaide or anie parte thereof to the use of Thomas Levitt Esquire and Margaret his wyfe and my onely daughter willinge and requiringe both my saied sonnes Arthure and Thomas Levitt theire executors and assignes after my death to pay the annuall and yearelie rents due and henceforth to bee due for the saied premises accordinge to there equall rate and proportion of the saied leases soe granted to then or eyther of them in due tome and place and in such sorte manner and forme as the same rents as anie of them ought to be payed by the lease or leases in Esse (issue) without makinge anie default of the true payment of them or anie of them, and without makinge or sufferinge anir manner of sesure or forteiture of the premises or any parcel thereof. Also I give unto the saied John Lindley sonne of the saied Thomas Lindley £20 pound per annum. Item I give unto Henrie Lindley second sonne of the saied Thomas Lindley £5 per annum. And I give unto the youngest sonne of the saied Thomas Lindley £5 per annum , yearelie and everie yeare to be payed unto them the saied John Lindley and Henrie Lindley and the youngest sonne of the saied Thomas Lindley my grandchildren out of the saied £30 overpluss remayninge due to me as aforesaide and yearely to bee payed to them or there assignes by my siaed sonne Arthure Lindley his executors, administrators and assignes at the usull dayes times and places mencioned limited and expressed in the saied articles for and during continuance of the saied lease or leases in Woodruffe aforesaid yf the said my grandchildren or anie of them so longe shall live Also I give to my saied lovinge brother Mr Francis Lindley yf he bee livinge at the time of my death £80/800?. Also I give unto my cousin Nicholas Lindley £5 per ann. Also I give unto my servant John Foster £20. Also I give unto my servant Jane Murhowse £20. Also I give unto my servante Thomas Todd £5. Also I give unto my servant Thomas Holdsworth £3 6s 8d. Also I give unto Henrie Prentice 20s. Also I give unto William Wetherhed 20s. . Also I give unto all the residue of my servants which shall happen to bee my servants at the time of my death, everie one of them 20s. Also I give unto the churchwardens of the parishe of Leathley aforesaide and to theire successors £10 to be put forth by them upon good bond and suerties that are very sufficient to be maide and entered for the some for and to the use of the poore of the saied parishe of Leathley aforesaide and the yearely increase that arriseth thereof yearely to bee distributed by the parson of Leathley for the time beinge which shall receyve the same at the churchwardens hands for the time beinge and yearely distribute the yearelie increase that cometh of the saied some of £10 unto the saied poore of the parishe upon everie Easters day and to such as comes to have divine service if they bee able. Also I give unto Edward Greathead 40s. And lastlie I give to the amendinge of my parishe church bells at Leathlie 20s. All which legacies my will and minde is shallbe payed out of the moneyis to be made and raised by the saied feoffes and theire heyres out of the saied sale of the saied parke, parsonages, Rectories, impropriahons, glebe lands, lands tenaments and other premises to bee soulde as aforesaide, the remainder of the overplus of the money to be made of the sale of the saied premises my will is shakkbe equallie divided amongst my three children William Lindley, Thomas Lindley and Margaret Levit, and the residue of all my goods, debts, credits, chatells not bequeathed, after my debts and legacies bee payed and funerall expences perfected and my bodie honestlie and decentlie buried, the residue then therof that remains, I give unto my saied three children William Lindley, Thomas Lindley and Margaret Levit equallie to bee divided amongst them whom I make executors of this my last will and testament and I utterlie revote all former wills by me made. And I make my saied lovinge cosin Sir Guy Palmes and Thomas Levit supervisors of this my last will and testament hopinge they will see the same performed accordinge to my mind herein and if happen anie controversie or question to arise amongst anie of my children or other persons herin named or to whome aniethinge is bequeathed or onie of them, theire executors and assignes or anie of them touchinge this my last will and testament or anie the lands, tenaments, goods, chatells or legacies given to them or anie of them, that they the saied supervisors or such of them as shallbe then livinge to end and determine all such controversies without sute in lawe and the same to bee good and effectvall against all and everie of the saied persons and legatories that so shall fall into controversie and them and everie of them, theire executors, administrators and assignes and everie of them, so that the saied order or end bee made and put into writinge under the hands of my saied supervisors and delivered to the saied persons, legatories or parties and I give unto eyther of the saied supervisors £6 13s 4d and with allowance of theire reasonable costs and charges spente and sustained about the some or anie or any other thinge touchinge this my last will and testament. In wyttness whereof I the saied John Lindley of Leathlie in the saied countie esquire unto this my last will and testament have putter my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written, Witnesses hereof Henrie Paget, Cuthbert Simthson. On the date Probate was granted (not given in the text) two of the executors appeared on behalf of them all – Thomas Lindley and William Lindley