WILL OF CHRISTOPHER LYNDLEY OF LEATHLEY 1540 In Dei nomine. (In the name of God Amen) The xxiiij day of Januarij, in the yere of oure Lorde God, 1540, and in the reigne of oure soveraigne Lorde Henrie the eight by the grace of God Kinge of England and of France Lorde of Yirelande defender of oure faithe and in earthe the supreme heade of the churche of England xxxijth (two and thirtieth).I, Christofer Lyndley,* of Leathley, of holde mynde and goode memorie, doth constitute ordain and to make this my testament last will in the maner and forme hereafter followinge First I bequeathe my saule unto God Almyghtie, my creator and redemer, and unto oure ladie Sante Marie, virgin, and to all the company of heven, and my bodie to be buried within my parishe churche of Leathley, and also my mortuarie to be gyven accordinge to the kinges acte. And statue thereof maide. Also I make my executors Sir Thomas Johnson, of Lyndley, knight, Richarde Lyndley, of Otley, gent., Thomas Hardwick, of Potternewton, gent., Sir Edwarde Lyndley, of Leathley, priest, and Thomas Wharton, of Leathley, yeoman, unto the whiche executors I give all my right of my farmholde, towe come mylnes at Leedes buylded under one ruf with all the proffettes therof, whiche I have taken of our soveraigne lorde the kinges highnes, under his letters patent, for certayne years, not yet ended whiche letteres paitentes I have delyverede with myne owne hande unto my said executors, that they shall give unto my wif the yerlie proffett therof, if any suche be duringe this one yere, if God graunte her lif so longe, and after that the said yere be ended, then I will that my said executors give unto heryerlie viij li (£8) of the proffettes and issues comynge thereof. Item I will that when my sone and here Laurence Lyndley doth come to the adge of xxij year, that my said executors delyver hym the said kinges letters patentes of the twoe come mylnes, the possession and all profettes belonginge to the same duringe my holle years, contenyde in the same letteres patentes so that he fynde sufficient surties to his said mother, my wif, to pay her the yerlie some, above saide duringe my holle yeares and if she fortone to lyve so longe and if it fortone the said Laurence to die afor he come to the age of xxij years, that then the said come mylnes to be at the order and descression of my said executors to these of my childer. I give my executors to the use and proffet of my saide children aforsaid Also I give to my said my farmholde called Dean grange, late belonginge to the monasterie of Cristall,( Kirkstall) in the countie of Yorke and also one close in Brerehay or Burdon called Beggerieis, and unto to them I have delyverede my written writtinge thereof accordingly that they with the proffettes thereof shall bringe up and fynde my children the space of xij yeares, and after to delyver them to my said sone Laurence, if he then be alif, and if not, the said farmeholdes to be ordered at the descression and mynde of my executors. I give my wif my goode will of my farmhold in Leathley in the county aforesaid nowe assigned to the right honorable my ladie of Northumber-lande duringe her lif, and after her deathe to Sir Thomas Johnson, of Lyndley, Knight, and his heres, and my farmholde called the More close and also one acre of arrable land, lyenge nere Wadgarthe if it fortone my said wif to lyve, and if she die. then to my executors, unto suche tyme as my said sonne Laurence come to the adge of xxij yeares if he lyve so longe and if he die afor the said xxiij years that these my said executors order the same by there discressions and mylnes to the use and proffet of my children Item I will that the covenante of marriage maide betwixt Robert Skelton, of Osmondthorpe, in the parishe of Leedes, gent., and me go forwarde and take effect accordinge to the indentures, and other writtinges thereof made and if it fortone the said marriage to breke the disagreement or otherwise by hyme or his sone, then I will will that my executors show like benefet and advantage agaynste theme as the lawe of the realrne and my writinges will warrant. I will that myne uncle Thomas Lyndley, of Newton, if my executors be so con-tented, receyve the proffettes of the said come mylnes, and make accompte to the said executors, as of tymes as thy thinke conveyent at there pleasure and for such paynes to have yerlie xxs. Duringe his lif over and besides his expences Item I give to Johan Redman, late name of Nunmonkton, xiijs. iiij d., to Sir Thomas Johnson one olde rialle, and to every other of my executors vj s.viij d. Item I will that a preiste synge masse for me one yere, and if my wif fortone to die afor the end of the saide yere, that then a priest synge masse for me and her another yere. Also I bequeathe to my said parishe churche vj s. viii d., and to every one of my servantes one yewe, and to Unfride Hodgsone one frees cote and to Richarde Jennynge my worse frees cote and I bequeathe to my curate of leathley for my tithes foregotten iiijs Also I bequeathe to Miles my servante for his lyverage and rewarde xiijs. Iiijd. Item I give to Percivalle Coltone one whie strike. Item I give to my servante Robert Gibstone one whie strike. Item I give to Christopher Whartone one stote of the best in the folde. Item to Richarde Jennynges wif one whie able to bere bull in sommer next. Also I give to my said executors my goode wille and my tenunte right of my farmholde in Rigton after the decease of William Redshawe and Alisone his wif whiche said farmholde I have taken of oure soveraigne the Kinge after ther deaths as it apperithe in the copie of the courte wherof I the said Christopher to this my last wille have subscribed my name these beinge witness Prcivall Lyndley of Leathley gent Percivall Jenkinson John Angrome Myles Stirke and Robert Gibton of the same with other moe (more). Probate clouse translated: And on 2 April1541 a commission was directed to the Dean of Ainsty to prove the said testament and on 14 April certification was made by the said Dean concerning the proving of the said testament and administration of the goods of the same was granted to Sir Thomas Johnson of Lyndley Knight, Richard Lyndley of OTLEY gent, Sir Edward Lyndley of Leathley aforesaid priest and Thomas Wharton of leathley yeoman executors named inte same testament sworn in legal form etc,, power being reserved to grant the same administration to Thomas Hardwick of Potter Newton gentleman names as coexecutor in the said testament when he shall come to receive it in legal form, etc. Note: Until 1752 the year began on 25th March A gift due to a Parish priest on the death of a parishioner A rialle is a gold coin of varying value |