OTLEY COURT ROLLS Lindley Hall Volume 1 Please note that all spellings are as stated in the Court Rolls Thomas Burnett from John Lindley (This is dated May 26 1642, but is amongst papers for 1645. John Lindley in the absence of the Court (presumably in May 1642) surrounded to the Manor by the hands of two customary tenants Christopher Scotchard and Thomas Woode, closes called Wharton Close and East Close in 2 Closes now divided by estimation 8 acres meadow and pasture in the tenure of Nicholas Lindley and James Levston of Newall - to the use and occupation of Thomas Burnett of Otley his heirs and assign’s Admitted. The condition is that if John Lindley pays to Thomas Burnett or his assign3 score and 12 pounds and 16s on 15 November next ensuing without ant fraud then this present surrender is valid. Volume 2. November 1651 – 1660
These 2 officials officiated the whole of the 9 years On 21st march 1652 in the absence of the Court Guy Lindley of Otley and Mary his wife did surrender to the Manor one messuage with barns, stable and orchards at West Gate in Otley and 2 Closes therto adjoing called Westgate Closes by estimation of 4 acres now in the occupation of Guy Lindley - to the use of Jane Roads of Menston widow and her heirs - John Roads appeared and desired to be admitted of the said Jane. If Guy Lindley and Mary pay to John Roads £103 19s 10d in one payment on 1st march next or if they confirm the grant of 4 Closes called Blackwoods containing 50 acres in the township of North Duffield pa Skipwith in the occupation of George Taylor and John Taylor of North Duffield - then the surrender is valid.
Nickolas Lindley son and heir of John Lindley deceased on ist May 1658 in the absence of the Court surrended to the mnor by the hands of Christopher Ward and JohnAppleyard customary tenants half acre of land, meadow and pasture called the half acre in Prestwick in Otley in the eastmost Preswick now in the occupation of Edmond Barker to the use of Edmond Barker and his heirs - Edmond Barker admitted.
On 30 June 1658 Nickolas Lindley of Otley surrounded a close of land arable meadow and pasture called Summercross close containing 3 roods in Otley adjoining on the north upor one parcel of the highway called Summercross Hill and adjoining on the south on the lands of Francis Hogg called Melthame field and now in the occupation of Richard Dunwell – to the use of Francis Hogg and he to enter on the feast of St martin the Bishop in winter next and there receive the half years rent due for the said lands by Richard Dunewell. Arms of Lindley - Argent on a chief Sable three griffins heads erased Argent 4 Court Baron 7 August 1658 Otley Nickolas Lindley of Otley yeoman on 9 July did surrender a dwelling house in Bondgate in Otley with common of turbary in the occupation of William Horson - in the use of William Horson from 26 March last for 21 years paying yearly therefore 10s at St Martin the Bishop in Winter and Pentecost. Edmond barker on behalf of William Horson. Fine 6d. 5 Court Baron 11 December 1658 Otley On 11 June 1658 in the absence of the court Nickolas Lindley son and heir of John Lindley deceased surrounded a close of meadow called Wharton close or East close as now divided into 2 closes by estimation 8 acres in the township of Newall cum Clifton in the tenure of Jane Burnett widow – to Jane Burnett. Jane admitted. Fine 4s. 6 Court Baron 16 April 1659 Otley Nickolas Lindley of Otley Gent and John Lipton of Otley and Jane his wife on 18 Sep 1658 surrended by the hands of Robert Appleyeard and John Clapham two customary tenants one piece of waste ground lately granted to one Christopher Cowlinge late of Otley deceased with all buildings theron in Otley near the Pinfold and adjoining the barne of one William Garnett - to the use of William Garnett – appeared and admitted. Fine 3d 7 Court Baron 16 April 1659 Otley Nickolas Lindley son and heir of John Lindley deceased did on 3 May 1658 In the absence of the Court surrender to the Manor by the hands of Thomas Flasher the elder and Edmond Barker one barne called a tyth barne with a parcel of ground to the same belonging by estimation 16 yards long and 12 yards broad, in Otley near unto the Pinfold and in the occupation of Syth Stotchard widow - to the use of William Garnett and Elizabeth his wife – admitted. Fine 6d. All Saints Otley 8 Court Baron 9 July 1659 Otley Nickolas Lindley of Otley yeoman did on 10 July 1658 in the absence of the Court surrender by the hands of Robert Appleyeard the elder and William Wood two of the customary tenants a close of land of meadow and pasture called High Burrows close by estimation 1 ½ acres in the occupation of Nickolas Wrose - in the use of Nickolas Wrose and Mary his wife from 26 March last past for 9 years they paying yearly £1 12 s at the feaste of St martin the Bishop in winter and Pentecost. Admitted. Fyne of lands 9d. 9 Court Baron 20 Aug 1659 Otley Nickolas Lindley of Otley Gent one of the customary tenants of the Manor did on the 2 October 1658 surrender by hands of Edmond Barker and William Cave 2 of the customary tenants, one close called High Holme in 3 closes divided, and one other close known as East Burrowes and all ways, paths and water courses with in the fields and territories of Otley, containing by estimation 5 acres in the tenure of Jonas Flesher of Otley gent and his heirs admitted. Surrender on condition that where as Nickolas Lindley by indenture bearing date with this present has granted to Henry Wilkinson 2 Burgage messuages in Otley near the Market Place between the burgage of Thomas England on the west and John Braithwaite on the east and now in the occupation of Elizabeth Shawe. This surrender as callateral that Henry Wilkinson and his heirs may peacefully enjoy there closes. The Otley Brass - This shows the Lindley Family Tree 10 Court Baron20 August 1659 Otley Nickolas Lindley gent did on 19 August 1659 surrender per Tobias Lambert understeward and Jonas Fletcher 2 of the customary tenants closes called Haigh Hams and East Burrowes in Otley containing by estimation 5 acres in the occupation of Jonas Fletcher – to Richard Roads of Hawksworth to hold from this day to 2nd Feb 1669 for the yearly rent of one peppercorn payable at the feast of Penticost – Appeared and admitted. Fyne 2s 6d. 11 Court Baron20 August 1659 Otley Nickolas Lindley gent did on 19 August 1659 surrender per Tobias Lambert and Jonas Flesher one close called West Burrowes in Otley containing by estimation 2 ½ acres to the use of Richard Roads of Hawksworth and his heirs. Granted seizing and admitted. Surrender made on condition that wheras Nickolas Lindley hath by another surrender bearing date with this present, Haigh Hams and East Burrowes to Richard Roads – if occupies these peaceably and quietly this surrender is void. Fine 15d. Great Court Baron to Dec 1651 before Charles Faifax esq List of customary tenants includes :- Guy Lindley The heirs of Jo Lindley Volume 3 Mar 1660/1 Mar 1683/4 Folio 6 1661 Nickolas Lindley and Richard Lindley in the absence of the court on 7th November 1660 surrendered to the Manor by the hands of Thomas Flesher and Lawrence Flesher 2 customary tenants, 2 closes of land and pasture called long closes in Otley of by estimation 7 acres occupied by Jane Stead widow – to the use of Edmond Barker and his heirs. Entry Fine 3s. Folio 15 1661 Nickolas Lindley in the absence of the court on 7th September 1661 surrended to the Manor by the hands of Robert Appleyeard senr and James Appleyeard customary tenants, High Burrowes close in Otley of one acre in the occupation of Nickolas Wrose – to the use of Richard Roads of Thorpe and Thomas roads his son. Entry Fine 9d. Folio 18 1661 On 21st December 1661 Nickolas Lindley of Otley gent surrendered to the Manor by the hands of Richard Roads of Menston and Xopher Whitehead of Otley 2 closes of land in Otley called Little Burras, East Burras and Higholmes of 3 acres occupied by Jonas Flesher – by the use of Richard Roads of Hawksworth and James roads his son and heir. Entry fine 18d. Folio 24 1662 Nickolas Lindley in the absence of the court surrendered to the Mano by the hands of Xopher Whitehead and Robert Appleyeard two customary tenants, two closes with buildings theron in Otley in the occupation of William Mitchell – to the use of William Mitchell and his heirs. Entry fine 6d. Folio 30 1662 Nov 1st Nickolas Lindley of Almondebury gent surrendered to the Manor by the hands of Thomas Flesher junr and Francis Hogg customary tenants, 2 messuages in Otley called Bondgate House and the parcel adjoining of land and orchard in the occupation of Jane Stead widow – to the use of Martha Fawkes daughter of Michael Fawkes of Farneley Knt and her heirs, if she has no heirs to the use of Thomas Fawkes Knt son and heir of Michael. Entry fine 14d. Folio 311662 Jan 3 Nickolas Lindley son of John Lindley of Otley deceased Surrendered in the Manor by the hands of Richard Roads junr and Robert Appleyeard 2 customary tenants, a close of land meadow and pasture called West Ings in Otley of one acre, an another close in Otley called Wilcocke in the occupation of Jane Stead widow – by the use of Edmond Barker and his heirs – Entry fine 6d. Folio 54 1663 Jun 20 Lawrence Flesher and Thomas England surrendered to the Manor by the hands of Xopher Flesher and Anthony Hall two customary tenants, a messauge, orchard and garden on the West side of Bondgate in Otley occupied by Lawrence Flesher – to the use to Lawrence Lindley and Margaret his wife for the life of the longest liver and then to there legitimate heirs. Fine in possession 6d I reversion 3d. Folio 95 1668 Nov 3 Jane Morrett surrendered to the Manor by the hands of John Pullan and William Cave, 2 customary tenants, a messuage with croft adjoining of 4acres in West Gate Otley in the tenure of Guy Lindley and his heirs. Folio 95 1668 October 3 George Flesher and Isabella his wife surrendered to the Manor Court by the hands of Thomas Flesher and James Appleyard 2 customary tenants a messuage in Bondgate, Otley in the occupation of Lawrence Lindley – to the use of Lawrence Lindley and Margaret his wife in perpetuity. Folio 991669 September 25 Lawrence Lindley and Margaret his wife surrendered to the Manor by the hands of Xofer Whitehead and Thomas Flesher 2 customary tenants a messuage in Bondgate, Otley in the occupation of Lawrence Lindley – to the use of Lawrence Lindley and Margaret his wife for life, and after there death to Lawrence Lindley son of Lawrence Lindley and his heir, and Elizabeth Flesher the executors designated in his will, to the use and benefit of Richard Lindley son of Lawrence Lindley - provided that if Lawrence Lindley the younger or Elizabeth Flesher now his intended wife pay to Richard Lindley £20 within one year of the death of the longer liver of Lawrence Lindley the elder and Margaret his wife then the surrender is void – if not Richard may enter and occupy the property. Folio 100 1669 September 25 Guy Lindley and Maria his wife and William Lindley their son and heir surrendered to the Manor by the hands of John Pullan and William Cave customary tenants, a messuage, croft and close of 4 acres with stables and gardens in Westgate Otley in the occupation of the said Guy Lindley - to the use of William Jowet and heirs. The condition is if Guy Lindley and Maria his wife and William Lindley pays to William Jowet 4 Score and 19 Pounds 1 Shilling and 3d on 18th December 1669 the surrender is void. Volume 4 April 1684 – May 1691 Folio 103 1684 December 20 John Nickolas surrendered to the Manor by James Appleyard and William Whitwam 2 customary tenants, one cottage with a garden adjoining on the South side situated in Bondgate in Otley in the tenure of James Lindley – to the use of James Lindley and Dorothea his wife for the life of the longest liver and then to their legitimate heirs. Volume 5 October 1691 – July 1694 No Lindley Volume 6 November 1693 - March 1703/4 Folio 179 1701 March 28 Samuell Lindley surrendered to the Manor in the absence of the Court on February 14th by the hands Sampson Barker and John Clapham two customary tenants, a messauge in Bondgate in Otley joining on the west that of Thomas barker and now in the occupation of Lenor Lindley – to the use of William Clapham and his heirs. Volume 7 February 1703/4 – July 1713 Folio 76 1709 February 17. John Dacers of Otley Yeoman on March 8th last surrendered to the mano by the hands of Richard West and Peter Stead 2 customary tenants a messauge in Westgate in Otley now in the occupation of Elizabeth Dacres widow – to the use of Michael Lindley of Otley Yeoman and his heirs. If John Dacres his heirs, executors or administrators do pay to Michael Lindley 40s with interest on 8th March next the surrender is void. Volume 8 January 1713/14 – August 1734 Folio 159 1725 January 18 Michael Lindley of Otley Yeoman, Elizabeth Dacres of the same widow and John Dacres of the same Yeoman surrendered to the Manor by the hands of Joseph Stocks and John Aked 2 customary tenants, a messauge in Westgate in Otley with an orchard in the tenure of John Dacres – to the use of William Holmes of Otley Manor Volume 9 October 1734 - September 1747 No Lindley Volume 10 November 1747 – May 1765 No Lindley Volume 11 June 1765 – January 1773 No Lindley Volume 12 February 1773 – July 1778 No Lindley Volume 13 July 1778 – June 1784 No Lindley Volume 14 July 1784 – December 1797 No Lindley