

Will December 1st 1557

 In the name of God amen the sixte day of September in the year of our Lord  God1557. I Edward Lyndley  of Leathley in the countye of Yorke clerk,  of hole mynde and perfect rememberance but sik in body do make my testemente and last wyll in maner and forme following. Ffyrst I give my soull to almyghtye  God my maker and to Jesus Christ my redeemer, that yt may be accompainyed wythe our most blessed laydySaynt Mayre and the celestiall company of heaven,anf my mortall body to be buried within the parish church of Leathley. Item I wyll that my executor shall delyver  towards the makynge of a wyndowe in the south of the dsaid churche anensle (ie on level with) the queare 2s 6d. And also towards the amendinge and repairynge of Washburn brigge 20d whiche said money with more  was gyven to the said use by the testament of Percyval Lyndley my father, for the moytye whereof I stande charged. Item I give and bequethe to my dere Lawrence Lyndley wife one co---ter and she to have the same and the use thereof unto suche tyme as John Lyndley her sonne shall come to age of 21 years and then I wyll that  the said John have yt to him and his hayres maile  for ever.. Item I give to Hugh Cooke and his wife 13s 8d. Item I give to Isabell Whyteaede  a broken horned cowe. Item I give to Jennet my servante sheipe. Item I give to Edward Angram 2 sheipe. Item I give to George Bradley  wyfe a blake cowe, one coverlet, and shete and a blanket. Item I give to everyone of my godchildren 4d. Item I give to my cosinge  Francys Browne 6s 8d which ys in his handes and also the good wyll and interest that I have in my  farmhold hereby requrynge my nephews (unfinished word) Lynleyto be good masters to hym therein and the rather at thys my request. The residue  of my goods , my debts payed my legacies fulfilled and my funerall expences deducted, I give  to Percyvell Browne my cosynge to the use of John Lyndley my bayse  begotten son. And I wyll  that the sayd Percyvell shall have as well the custodye of the sayd goods as of the body of the sayd John unto he come to the age of 21 yerys and the sayd Percyvell to deliver the clere value of my goods according as they were apraysed in my inventorye. And if it fortune the said John Lyndley depart from this world before he accomplishe the said aige then I wyll that frelye and holy the sayd goods remain for ever unto the sayd Percyvall whome also  I conshtut  and make my sayd executor of thys my last wyll and testament and I do give unto hym for hys payns sustenyed herebefore 10s.These beyng wytness – Sir Thomas Holme parson of Leathley, Percyvell Master, Rychard Foster and others.

 Probate granted December 1st 1557


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